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Spendaholism December 30, 2007

Posted by pf in Expenses and Savings.
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Well, boys and girls, I recently told you about my big spending (for me) christmas.  Unfortunately, it has not stopped.  We have been living it up for the past week since with dinners out and “field trips” to the city, etc.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel like I’ve really “fallen off the wagon” and will need to call on the personal finance community to get me back on track.  This type of open spending is not really our style and I expect things will go back to normal once the holidays are over.  Regardless, however, we have enjoyed ourselves and I have particularly enjoyed the time with my family doing it.

Unfortunately, there will be a price to pay and it will no doubt be there for all to see in the January net worth update.  What a joyous way to start the new year!!!???

Christmas – The Aftermath December 26, 2007

Posted by pf in Expenses and Savings.
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First, I’d like to say that I had another very nice Christmas with my family.  For the most part, there are really no surprises.  The holiday traditions in my wife’s family are long standing and we generally do the same thing every year…and I love it. 

On the flip side, however, I don’t recall ever spending as much money during the holiday season…although I suspect the time around when we bought our first house was pretty close.  Generally, I expect to spend about $1000 for Christmas.  This is all in…for everyone in our family – both immediate and extended.   This Christmas was a different story.   A few quick items:

  • electronics – $650
  • household items – $950

This is not all of it (ex: children’s toys).  However, there are a couple of very significant purchases there including one household item that we felt would be worth the investment. It was just a bit coincidental that we decided to make the purchase during Christmas.

The strange thing is that I’m not as bothered about it as I expected to be.  Yes, it will certainly put a dent in the pocketbook, but I find myself feeling “ok” about it.   We’ll see if this feeling holds after I do next month’s update. 

Holiday Wishes December 22, 2007

Posted by pf in Expenses and Savings.
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Like most people, my thoughts are drawn toward those who are less fortunate during this time of year. Although I’m never at a loss for words, I always feel a bit inept at properly expressing my feelings for those who find themselves struggling or are otherwise unhappy.

I sadly recognize that we live in a world with poverty, greed, and hate. However, I try to maintain a deep hope that we will overcome these things…somehow…some day. Although we get lost in the day to day of “living life”, I am reminded that it is amazingly short. Hopefully, I will have enough presence of mind not to waste too much of it…as it is truly a precious gift.

As I sit here writing this, I am very thankful and blessed for my wonderful family…who, in the end, are all that ever truly matter. My sincerest wishes for all of you and your family during this holiday season.