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Newsweek: Spending Spree Over April 21, 2008

Posted by pf in Expenses and Savings.
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I came across the following article from Newsweek

Essentially, the writer outlines how the spread of credit created a boom in spending that had both positive (increased accessibility to funds for housing, etc) and negative (overspending) effects.  Due to the current crisis and the generally indebtedness of our population, the author wonders if the era of free spending which generated significant growth not only in our own economy but for others around the world is over and what it may mean.

In my view – GOOD.  I have waxed on about similar topics in the past where I have expressed concern about our country ranging from the dire state of personal finances (too much debt, too little savings) to broader topics such as the crisis we are facing with Social Security and Healthcare.

I remain deeply distressed and concerned about the path we are on and the recent bailout proposals for both businesses and consumers who have made foolish mistakes and may be saved via a taxpayer rescue only strengthen this view.  WAKE UP.

Housing Package: Some Sanity April 9, 2008

Posted by pf in Taxes, Uncategorized.
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Today I read an article from Newsweek entitled “Tax Breaks for Bubble Heads“. In it, the author, Daniel Gross outlines “Congress latest dumb idea to fix the housing crisis”. Although I think this thing has too much momentum to stop, I take some small consolation that there are voices of reason trying to be heard. If you share similar views, I encourage you to write about them…maybe the chorus will grow.

McCain on Housing Fix April 7, 2008

Posted by pf in Expenses and Savings, Taxes, Uncategorized.
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Today I read an article in the NY Times entitled “McCain Rejects Broad US Aid on Mortgages“. In short, Senator McCain does not support many of the proposed fixes that are currently under consideration. As you will recall from my latest post “Housing Fix“, we are very much in agreement.

More fascinating, however, is Sentor McCain’s position on this particular issue has drawn a very stark contrast between himself and his Democratic rivals. Regardless of which side you may support, it is nice to see the clear distinction on the issue and allow us as voters to understand it and influence our voting choices. What is more difficult, however, is if you find yourself (like I think many Americans do), torn between various policies (ex: you are fiscally conservative, but socially more liberal) and no candidate is the perfect fit. Fortunately, for myself, I have no illusions about finding such a perfect candidate, but am looking forward to the general election where I will hopefully learn more to make my decision. In this particular instance, I am tallying up 1 point for Mr. McCain.